Boogeyman Animated cover for the Single «Boogeyman» by Evil Wizard. Inspired by the song vibrant melodies and…
Politik Animated video for «Politik». A BoardGame from «Black Yeti Games» focused on political intrigue and global…
FaithSpark Animated Video ADs for «FaithSpark». An app to raise awareness and create a safe and easy…
Opsira Catalog Design, assembly and edition of the Opsira Products Catalog 2023 edition, for CBS.Inc…
Callisto Animated Video AD to raise awareness about the abuse that happens in universities and present «Callisto»,…
After Hour GP Animated TV Commercial for «After Hours GP services» in Bathurst and Dubbo (Australia), who provide urgent…
Arganteal Explainer Video for «Arganteal», a powerful new software suite that automates cloud software deployment and helps…
Oversoft Infographic illustrations with little contextual animations to explain the behavior of each departments of Oversoft.…
Los Profesionales Ads for «Los Profesionales» Campaign. A Social Media Communication for Treta Agency.…
Futuro Verde A Mobile App created to make users aware of the benefits of environmental care and recycling.…
What a day! – Mobile Game Illustrations for «What a day!». A highly addictive game for mobile phones and tablets.…